I was at a Funeral for my roommate's Nana. She had just turned 80 in May.
Monday July 17th
I just returned from an exhausting weekend. I pulled in the driveway and just sat there. I had to unload the SUV. I get everything into the house. I look at my bed and it says to me to lay down. I called both jobs and called out. I just couldn't work today. I need good quality sleep.
Tuesday July 18th
I wake up at 8am refreshed and ready to hit the ground running. I get up and make coffee, I take a shower, I shave and relax. I pull out my notes for the day, reading them to catch myself up to speed. I go to the office, and my manger says good morning. I hand my stack of papers and he said oh you want to start there ok. We do all the morning work in record time. He then says, I want to give you a promotion. I still had my face down and reading the papers in front of me.
I look up to listen, cause I cannot believe what I am hearing. (I've only been working here for 2 months.) He hands me a paper that explains all the work, what the pay is and the benefits. I read it and was thinking this must be a dream. This just cannot be real. Its my dream job. I accepted the job. My boss gave me a list of things he wanted done today. I took them and headed out. As I left the office, I had a huge smile on my face, and a spring in my step.
Lunch time rolled around, and I sat down to eat. I texted my GM and OS at the other job.
I waited for a response.
and waited
and waited
and waited
and waited
and waited
I looked at that text and said WTF they want a 30 Day Notice before they will change my schedule. I did not reply to that. I had to think this over completely.
I finished my day at my first job and got a shower and headed out the door for my second job. I walked in and did my job.
My GM that I have known for over 4 years, pulled me to the side with the OS and said Its Back To School time, and I cannot make any changes to your schedule. I said I still have to talk to my other boss first, I cannot give you an answer yet. She did not like my answer. But was firm about the 30 days. The OS said I guess we will have to shove a broom up our asses and float around the store. My GM laughed and I just glared at her. I mean really WTF.
I called key people in my life and asked them all the same question. What do I do? I've been working at the second job for 10 years.
My Father: Wow that is a tough one. I guess you will just have to quit the second one. Put your two week notice in.
My Mentor: QUIT NOW and don't look back.
Ex-General Manager: She has the right to make that statement. It is her store. If it was me though, I would have given you a hug and sent you out the door.
Friend: Say good bye and enjoy your Dream Job.
Wednesday July 19th
I didn't sleep well. I still had not made up my mind, I had mixed feelings. I went to my first job and worked until it was time for second job, I had a mid-shift. I did my job all the while thinking what I am going to do. I waited to the end of the shift before I made up my mind completely. My relief showed up early and I did my finishing work. I clocked out and went to my boss, I asked if I could have 5 minutes of her time. She replied I can only spare 1 minute. I almost turned around and left. I handed her my hand written note that said. I cannot give you 30 days. This is my two weeks notice. I knew she was upset, you could tell how she walked away. I turned and headed out the door. I go home change clothes and head for my first job again. I worked until 6:30. I was tired and ready for bed. I climb in the bed and was asleep as fast as my head hit the pillow.
Thursday July 20th
I woke up at 1 am and noticed that I had a message on my phone.
I was really upset to see that the GM said that about me. My emotions were crazy. I wanted to cry. Four years is a long time to work for someone that thinks you are "raggedy". I dont understand why she doesn't get that I am bettering myself.
At 1:45am I found this video and thought it was perfect for what I was going through.
At 8am I started my first job, worked until 4pm and got a shower and headed out the door for my second job. While at work, it was normal. My bosses were, like they alway had been in the past. We were all laughing and joking around. It was nice. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Finally getting back to normal.

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