When I first moved in the walls were all painted a dark brown. I am claustrophobic and I just could not handle it. So I went to Wal-mart and bought a gallon of their cheap paint. I painted the walls. Then I had been checking on prices to replace the tiles. As you can see below, that the tiles are pulled apart and just looks bad, and gross.
Price to replace all the tiles was going to cost me over $100. and the time to scrape all of the old tile up and replace them. So I thought well if not tile then what. I thought hey indoor outdoor carpet. I went and priced that. Cost was way out of my reach. Then one day while I was in Lowes and I found just the perfect thing.
Soft Linking Mats. I thought this could work Its made of foam, its water proof, easy to clean and acts like a insulation. No more frozen feet when stepping out of the shower. Price for entire bathroom $38.00. In my price range.
I took it home and it took me all of 3 hours to install it. Cutting around the toilet and shower took the longest. But I got it done. Its so nice now. Its even soft on the feet. So glad I found this product.
The sink, did not work, or the handles did not work. You couldn't get them to shut off. I took them apart and went to Lowes, they said sorry no we dont carry them. I went to Ace and Home Depot. One guy said that is an old sink. I agreed.
I actually had to go to Largo to a Plumbing Supply Company. McGill Plumbing, I went to the counter and I handed him the part. He said what do you need. I said the o rings. He went to the back and just a few minuets later, in he walks the the parts to do both. I was so happy with them, and that cost me $4.00 plus gas to get there and back.
I came back and installed the handles. They work like a charm. Its nice not to have to turn on the water from under the sink now.
I needed more shelves so....
I made my own.

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