As you know I am on Crutches until I go see my Vascular Doctor in August. I haven't been to work at all this week. I have been in so much pain. Even with the pain killer it hurts like hell. All week I have been doing as the doctor said:
- Take the Medication
- Use the Crutches
- Prop Foot up
- Heat on it in the Morning
- Ice at night
Lets talk about crutches shall we. Have any of you ever used these things? I have almost fell, to me they are not an easy to use at all. I think I got the swing of it, but then I get going to fast and then I almost fall, or the top part pull out from under my arm and it twist every thing up. I have been trying to practice before I go back to work, but omg its hard.
Today, I get ready for my shower and realize that my left foot is swollen. You cannot even see my ankle.
I am going to my family doctor on Monday. I hope he can tell me what is going on. It seems that I cannot win sometimes.
Work has been driving me crazy. Or the lack of it. I guess I am driving myself crazy, cause, I dont want to loose my job over this. I really dont know what I can do when I go back. I cannot stand on my feet like they are wanting me too. Even with a "chair" you are not supposed to greet the customers in one. I am supposed to work on Monday before I go see my doctor. I just dont know how that is going to work at all. I mean the Meds that I am on, make me loopy as all get out. I have to take them. I just dont know. I guess I am ramble-ling on now.

A couple of things - - that ankle does not look good at all. You appear to be a thin man and that ankle doesn't belong on a thin man.
The crutches - - you know the weight should rest on your hands and not your arm pits - - right? Wear bicycle gloves, they really help. A wheelchair works even better than crutches - - I found that out after knee surgery. It is how I kept the swelling down in my knee.
Lynda, yeah that is what the nurse said about the crutches. A wheelchair might be the next thing for me. Cause I dont think my left foot is going to support my entire body. shurgs
Good grief, Allen! Lay down and get that foot up.
Cubby you should know me by now. I have no problem putting my feet up. lol
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