I made this picture. I used a really cool program that I found on the internet. I did some research on it and then downloaded the program.
The site is called Sculptris.com
See their Trailer here.
It give you a ball of virtual 3D clay that you mold how ever you want, then it allows you to paint your design and add other features to it.
This took me a couple of hours to make, but that is by making lots of mistakes. I enjoyed it though and plan on making more things out of this 3D clay. Who knows what I will come up with.
I was surprised when I finished, how good it looked. I am happy with the program.
So while I'm working with the ball of 3D clay, with a 3D photo of Patrick Swayze also come on the screen and recreate that scene in Ghost? 'Cause that's my all time FAVORITE scene with clay. I'm just saying....
@ Frank - Thanks
@ Pat - Yeah that was a cool scene. I was teary through that movie.
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