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Monday, March 29, 2010

Website Layout

I have been changing things on my site, I moved things around on my side bar and created an image at the bottom of my site, so that my visitors can jump back to the top of my site. I added a top friends list and a comment section. I took out some old pictures and other gadgets that was just taking up space.


Yesterday was my long day, 10 hours at work. All went well. Only had 1 jerk all day. And he got in trouble with my manger so I was happy. This guy, is always a jerk to me when he come in. He is a jerk to others while he is in the store.

This guy gets on our mortised chair and drives it around, saying "I can hit anyone I want with this thing and there is nothing they can do about it. I did not say anything to him, I just let him drive it around. Then it happened, he drove it into a shopping cart and then bounced if off of the color copier. I got up and walked to the managers office. I told the manager what just happened and he took off to the copier center. He told the guy that, the cart was for handicapped folks. And that he needed to put it back.


We went to our monthly poker party last night, and I am sorry to say I was the first man out. =o( I just did not have it in me last night. That is the way it is with cards, some times you got it and some times you dont.



Lynda said...

One of these days if I ever have extra time I might figure out how to change my page a bit - - - but don't expect that to happen for a few years!

John said...

Your blog just gets better and better, Allen. I like your changes and look forward to more.

I would've told that idiot playing in the motorized chair, "hey dummy, that is not a (Biden) toy so get the f*** off of it NOW! LOL!

I wish you would consider taking off your captcha! I think it deters some people from commenting.

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