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Monday, January 4, 2010

Unbelievable Day @ Work

I don't know what it was, but it was just crazy. Customers, customers, and more customers. I mean from the time we opened the doors till the time we closed them, we had customers. I would help one and then the next would be waiting.

There was one point during the that the store went dark. All the power went off. It was dark inside, and the customers waere shopping anyways. I thought this was weird. It did not phase any of them. I walked up and down isle asking is there anything I can show you in the dark. I tried to get some laughs out of it, but for the most part they weren't amused.

Towards the end of the day after the power came back on, I had this sweet lady come in and wanted me to put 4 of her pictures on a page and print them out. I had no clue how to do this. At least not with Staples programs. I called another store and asked them how to do it. The girl that answered said, this is no problem at all and explained it very well. The only thing was, it was extremely time consuming. Cause the customer, wanted this picture with that picture. Not just what was on her flash drive. No it couldn't be that simple. It took me a little over an hour to help her, plus I helped other customers that came up to my counter. Talk about multi-tasking.
Anyways when I was done with this ladies order, she was very well pleased. She said here Allen, its a tip. I just looked at her and said no thank you. We are not allowed to take tips. I was happy to help, plus I learned something new. She smiled at me. I did tell her that if she really liked what I did for her, to call my Boss and express to them my performance. She agreed that she would do that.

I worked open to close. By the end of the day, my knees were killing me. I am not sure if it was from standing all day on them, or if it was due to the weather. The weather has dropped here. Its cold enough to see your breath. I know that its colder up north and I shouldn't be complaining. But ouch, my bones hurt. My Arthritis is in full swing. I am just happy that this weather only last a few weeks, instead of months like Indiana.

Have a great day all,


Jo said...

Wow--what a day! You did a good thing. YOU DO a good thing there--people want to preserve and share their memories and you help them do that. Some will, of course, be more appreciative than others--regardless, what you do will be appreciated by generations to come who enjoy the pictures that were given to them (or left for them) by family members...

I'm so sorry I haven't stopped by to 'see you' lately, my sweet and hard working friend--with everyone home and all the holiday hoopla--I was busy and exhausted (in a good way) but now things are slowly getting back to normal.

So, I wanted to send a big hug along with all my love your way to wish you a glorious and happy 2010.

So glad I 'met' you!

Peace, love, happiness and health,

Lynda said...

It's the weather and being on your feet all day that's bummed your knees out. Do you take any kind of supplements? They do help but you have to take them for 2 or 3 months first.

Good for you going above and beyond to help the customer with her pictures. Those will bring her smiles for years and years.

Keith said...

Hi Allen, I talked to old man winter and asked him to send my friends some good old indiana weather. he must of been listening LoL.just kidding but it is 10degrees here right now so comparatively you are having a heat wave.your frigid friend in Indy.

Kyle Leach said...

Allen, that was an exhausting day. What a whirlwind! Sorry you are in pain because of the cold. It will be warm there pretty soon and I'm sure you will be right as rain again.

Allen said...

JO, that is so sweet of you, I am glad we met too. I hope that someday we will get to meet in person and have that cup of coffee.

Miss Lynda, I dont take supplements. I have been thinking about taking fish oil. That was suggest to me. I enjoy working on special project. I think its fun.

Keith, I am happy that you wrote me. I was wondering if you was going to chat with me. hehe

Kyle, I cannot wait until it warms up, but they are saying that we are going to get down in the 30's tonight, weather breaking records. Figrues, I move down for cold weather, hehe.

Pat said...

You're a GREAT employee- helping the customer till they are truly satisfied! You are an asset to Staples. I hope they realize that!

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