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Friday, September 4, 2009

Beef Sandwich a la LeQuieu - Old World Beef Classic Recipe

(click to enlarge)

In 1887, the four brothers LeQuieu sailed from Paris, France to homestead in the United States. A rugged, independent foursome, they were adept at putting their own beef on the table. Like their hearty beef sandwich with a French flair, dubbed "Beef Sandwich a la LeQuieu," still a family favorite in the home of Gus LeQuieu.

Jewels LeQuieu was my Great Grandfather. He and his brothers came up with a mouthwatering French beef sandwich.

Here is their recipe:

2 lbs. ground beef
salt & pepper
3 c. baked beans
2 c. tomatoes, drained and chopped
1/2 c. onion, finely chopped
3 c. grated cheddar cheese
1/4 c. butter, melted
1 unsliced round loaf of French Bread
Slice bread horizontally into four parts. Spread butter on all cut surfaces.
Brown ground beef; drain. Season with salt and pepper. Add beans, tomatoes and onion.
Divide into three parts. Spread one part on bottom slice of bread; sprinkle with 1 cup cheese. Repeat layers, ending with top of bread. Brush butter of entire crust. Wrap in heavy aluminum foil; use double layer of foil on bottom. Bake in center of 350 degrees oven for 30 minutes. Slice in pie shaped wedges and serve hot. Serves 8

I hope you enjoy this family recipe,


Anonymous said...

Being you have the recipe will you come over and cook it for me? It sounds tasty!

Pat said...

Are the "baked beans" like "pork and beans"? Or do they sell "baked beans" as is? Just curious. I might just give this a whirl! Thanks for the recipe.

Wonder Man said...

sounds good, I may try it

Allen said...

@ Michael, I would love too. =o)
@ Pat, you can buy just baked beans, but I am sure pork and beans would work just fine too.
@ Wonder Man, It is yummy. =o)

Beth said...

OH man, does that ever sound good! Thanks for sharing!

Allen said...

@ Beth, you are welcome. =o)

Rae said...

You are making me hungry. Looks like a really good recipe. BTW - I was over your way yesterday. Spent the day in Indy. I love the city, but I hate your traffic. I- 465, what a mess!!

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMMMM...sounds tasty! By the way thanks for the comment on my blog. You came out in a public place? WHERE?!

Allen said...

@ Rae, I agree with you I-465 is a mess. Its horrible. The city has grown faster than the interstates. It really a pain in rush hour.
@ Jeve, Glad you stopped by. Yes, I told my father in a small public park. =o)

Jeanette said...

That sounded so good. I'm going to be bold and give it a try this week.

Allen said...

@ Jeanette, Party at your new house, with food huh? hehe

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