My parents called me one day and told me that they had to put Granny in a nursing home. She had fallen at home and my mother alone couldn't help her back up. So the decision was made. I moved to Florida to be close to her. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her. I went to visit her as much as I could and still work full time. There was one day that I went and saw her at the end of the hall way yelling at the therapist - she said I don't want to do that, I want to go home. My grandmother was homesick. I went up to her and acted like I never heard her. I kissed her on her cheek and asked what she was doing. Her reply was nothing. The therapist told me that she wanted Granny to wheel herself down the hall. I said ok Granny, you like my kisses, so I am going to stand here until you get here, I will give you a big kiss and hug. She just sat there for some time, waiting to see if I moved or not. She did get to where I was and I gave her a big hug and a big kiss, I said see that wasn't to bad now was it. She smiled at me and said no.
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